Version Improvements (2) 2022-12-28 - [Story] The search by customer address filter added to the orders listing page. #ECOM-2381 #CDev-Core #XC-MultiVendor 2023-01-04 - [Story] UI/UX improvements for the Shipping page: Methods, Sorting and Ship-From Address are split into separate tabs. #ECOM-2337 #CDev-Core #XC-MultiVendor Fixes (6) 2023-01-11 - [Bug] The admin area login failed after placing an order with the FirstData payment in X-Cart Marketplace edition. The checkout payment methods didn't display correctly after the page update. Fixed. #XCB-2007 #CDev-Core #QSL-LoyaltyProgram #QSL-ShopByBrand #XC-FastLaneCheckout #XC-MultiVendor #QSL-Roulette 2022-12-28 - [Bug] Syntax issues in @Extender\Depend. Fixed. #XCB-2006 #XC-MultiVendor 2022-12-27 - [Bug] Replaced the url() function with xurl() in all twig templates #XCB-1966 #CDev-Core #CDev-Sale #CDev-USPS #CDev-SimpleCMS #CDev-SalesTax #CDev-FeaturedProducts #CDev-Coupons #CDev-PINCodes #CDev-Paypal #CDev-Egoods #QSL-LoyaltyProgram #QSL-Dwolla #QSL-PopupAnywhere #QSL-FlyoutCategoriesMenu #QSL-MyWishlist #QSL-VerifiedUsers #QSL-Backorder #QSL-OneClickUpsellAfterCheckout #QSL-AbandonedCartReminder #QSL-SpecialOffersBase #QSL-ShopByBrand #QSL-CustomerSatisfaction #QSL-AMP #QSL-ProductFeeds #QSL-Make #QSL-Returns #QSL-SEOCheck #QSL-Banner #XC-GoogleFeed #XC-VendorPartners #XC-Add2CartPopup #XC-FastLaneCheckout #XC-ProductVariants #XC-CustomerAttachments #XC-ShopperApproved #XC-MailChimp #XC-CrispWhiteSkin #XC-TwoFactorAuthentication #XC-News #XC-ProductComparison #XC-BitPay #XC-VendorMessages #XC-FreeShipping #XC-TrustedVendors #XC-Upselling #XC-MultiVendor #XC-CanadaPost #XC-Reviews #QSL-EBay #QSL-OAuth2Client #QSL-OrderReports #QSL-ProductQuestions #QSL-HorizontalCategoriesMenu #XC-ProductVariations #QSL-Roulette #XC-Auto #QSL-WordPress #QSL-UltimateSkin #QSL-BundleProducts 2023-01-05 - [Bug] Fatal error when previewing some email notifications with PHP 8.0. Fixed. #XCB-1965 #CDev-ContactUs #QSL-CallForPrice #QSL-Returns #XC-ThemeTweaker #XC-BlueSnap #XC-TrustedVendors #XC-MultiVendor #XC-Reviews 2022-12-22 - [Bug] Incorrect order subtotal after recalculating totals in the Admin area of a multi-vendor store with the warehouse mode enabled. Fixed. #XCB-1848 #XC-MultiVendor 2023-01-04 - [Bug] Vendor area login failed for uses with the Sale management and Coupons management roles. Fixed. #XCB-965 #XC-MultiVendor