Version Fixes (4) 2024-07-09 - [Bug] Fatal error when accessing the cart page as a guest user with the ATD add-on enabled. Fixed. #XCB-3434 #XC-ATD 2024-07-10 - [Bug] Product SKU changed during auto-import process. Fixed #XCB-3432 #XC-ASAP #XC-ATD #XC-AutoSync #XC-Keystone #XC-SemaData #XC-Turn14 2024-07-10 - [Bug] Import error when trying to update products imported from AutoSync with ATD. Fixed. #XCB-3431 #XC-ATD 2024-07-10 - [Bug] ATD. Parsing issues related to some rimDiameter and rimDiameterRear data. Fixed. #XCB-3401 #XC-ATD