Version Improvements (4) 2023-06-20 - [Story] ASAP Network: Added the ability to import "Brand description" when importing brand data. #ECOM-3707 #XC-ASAP 2023-06-22 - [Story] Implemented grouping into variations in AutoSync and ASAP import. #ECOM-3687 #XC-ProductVariations #XC-ASAP #XC-SemaData #XC-AutoImportBase #XC-AutoSync 2023-06-14 - [QA Bug] Error in logs if the field grouping_title was missing in the ASAP import. Fixed. #ECOM-3637 #XC-ASAP 2023-06-19 - [Story] Changed the names of some fields and settings on the ASAP Network add-on settings page. #ECOM-3457 #XC-ASAP #XC-AutoImportBase