ORIGINAL HTML --------------- Line 1: Line 2: Line 3: Line 4: Line 5: Line 6: Line 7: Line 8: Line 9: Line 10: Line 11: Line 12: Line 13: Line 14: Line 15: Transformations made from HTML tags to AMP custom tags ------------------------------------------------------- at line 2 ACTION TAKEN: img tag was converted to the amp-anim tag. at line 5 ACTION TAKEN: img tag was converted to the amp-img tag. at line 8 ACTION TAKEN: img tag was converted to the amp-anim tag. at line 11 ACTION TAKEN: img tag was converted to the amp-img tag. at line 14 ACTION TAKEN: img tag could NOT be converted to the amp-img tag as the image is not accessible. AMP-HTML Validation Issues and Fixes ------------------------------------- FAIL on line 14 - The tag 'img' may only appear as a descendant of tag 'noscript'. Did you mean 'amp-img'? [code: MANDATORY_TAG_ANCESTOR_WITH_HINT category: DISALLOWED_HTML_WITH_AMP_EQUIVALENT see: https://www.ampproject.org/docs/reference/amp-img.html] ACTION TAKEN: img tag was removed due to validation issues. COMPONENT NAMES WITH JS PATH ------------------------------ 'amp-anim', include path 'https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-anim-0.1.js'