In order to keep X-Cart up-to-date with the most recent changes and provide better functionality, some of the PayPal payment methods will be replaced by PayPal Checkout. The following legacy PayPal methods will be removed during this upgrade: - PayPal Payflow Link - PayPal Partner Hosted with PCI Compliance - PayPal Payments Advanced - PayPal Payments Standard - PayPal Express Checkout - PayPal Adaptive payments The following PayPal methods will remain intact: - PayPal Checkout - PayPal for Marketplaces Before proceeding with this upgrade, please follow these steps to make sure your payment processing runs uninterrupted: 1. Make sure the PayPal Checkout method is enabled and set up. 2. Connect your PayPal account either by following the link at the setup page or manually. Here are the instructions for your reference >> Should you need any assistance with setting up PayPal Checkout or PayPal for Marketplaces, please feel free to contact our Customer Care team at